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黑胶唱盘重物|唱机转盘重物 in stock for same day-shipping
Items 1 to 6 of 6 on page 1 of 1
Zomo VS-10 Vinyl Record Stabiliser (black)
Cat: 841195 Rel: 29 Sep 21
The Recorcase Vinyl Stabilizer gets the most out of your record collection
Notes: The Recordcase Vinyl Stabilizer gets the most out of your record collection. The VS-10 is mounted on the middle of the turntable. Thanks to its high dead weight, it stabilizes the record and ensures a smoother run and an improvement in sound quality. The integrated spirit level allows the optimal alignment for the best run of the record.

No matter whether in loud environments where the bass vibrations interfere with the optimal reproduction of the record or at home to optimize the audio quality. The Disk Stabilizer is an indispensable tool for DJs and music enthusiasts and should not be missing in any setup.

Technical data:
Weight: 290 gram
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 2 in stock $18.38
Tonar Misty Record Clamp (clear)
Cat: 660310 Rel: 24 Apr 18
Plate record clamp by Tonar - clear
Notes: Tonar Misty Record-Clamp - 'foggy' transparent. The Tonar Misty plate clamp is the perfect alternative if a "plate puck" is too heavy for your turntable.
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MRP:$62.12 SAVE 19%
 1 in stock $50.48
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quote 660310
Reggae Roast 570g Vinyl Record Weight/Puck/Stabiliser (single, stainless steel)
Cat: 1043890 Rel: 19 Sep 24
Single 570g vinyl record weight/puck/stabiliser
Notes: Level up your vinyl sound with these stylish record weights...

Designed to keep your records flat on the platter, improve traction & tighten up your sound.

Record weight / puck / stabiliser

Reduce resonance, vibrations & feedback

Reduce skipping, improves stability & sound quality

Heavyweight Construction (570g)

Solid Stainless Steel

Precision Engineered

Includes Free Protective Box

Speedy Shipping

Money Back Guarantee

70mm x 70mm x 22mm
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 2 in stock $66.01
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quote 1043890
Sure Shot Vinyl 7"/12" Vinyl Record Stabiliser & Clamp With Case
Cat: 1054721 Rel: 26 Nov 24
7" & 12" vinyl record stabiliser & clamp supplied with a wooden case
Notes: Super solid vinyl record clamp with reduction on 7' records.

This dual-purpose clamp is a perfect solution for any vinyl lover or DJ.

Optimised weight will reduce any vibrations or feedback. This clamp will help to flatten warps records and stabilise the disc.

7' adapter will pull off when big hole record is placed under the clamp.

Each clamp/stabilizer comes with wooden sapeli box - strong magnetic lock

This clamp is precision milled on CNC machine.

Designed for your listening pleasure

Made in EU

Height: 26mm
Diameter: 77mm
Packaging: wooden sapeli box - strong magnetic lock
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 1 in stock $115.44
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quote 1054721
Varia Instruments TTW10H 808g Handcrafted DJ Turntable Heavy Weight (Single)
Cat: 1071990 Rel: 21 Feb 25
Turntable weight combining a disc stabiliser and an adaptor for 7's, machined out of high-grade steel for a heavier weight
Notes: Varia Instruments' turntable weights feature a smart mechanism: The 7" adapter inside the weight is moveable, as soon as you put the weight on a 7", the adapter will fall down through the big hole of the vinyl. Your record is now centered and stabilized by the TTW10. If you place the kit on a 12" record, the adapter will remain in the rear position and stabilizes your warped records. A sticky rubber mat on the bottom side protects your vinyl and allows you to control the record in a very direct way. The difference to the classic TTW10 is the material used for the outer part: The heavy weight edition is machined out of high-grade stainless steel which results in a final weight of 808g/1.78lbs. The TTW10H comes in a neat printed box with a linen bag to take it out to your gigs.
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Pre-orders at Juno

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If the price of the item drops before it's released, you will pay the lower price, but if it increases, you'll only pay the price you see today.

If you also include in-stock items on your order, they’ll be charged and shipped within 24 hours as usual.
est. release 21 Feb 25 $139.76
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Varia Instruments TTW10 466g Handcrafted DJ Turntable Weight (Single)
Cat: 1071923 Rel: 21 Feb 25
Turntable weight combining a disc stabiliser and an adaptor for 7's
Notes: Varia Instruments' turntable weights feature a smart mechanism: The 7" adapter inside the weight is moveable, as soon as you put the weight on a 7", the adapter will fall down through the big hole of the vinyl. Your record is now centered and stabilized by the TTW10. If you place the kit on a 12" record, the adapter will remain in the rear position and stabilizes your warped records. A sticky rubber mat on the bottom side protects your vinyl and allows you to control the record in a very direct way. The TTW10 comes in a neat printed box with a linen bag to take it out to your gigs.
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Pre-orders at Juno

This product is available for pre-order at Juno, for shipping on the release date. You won’t be charged until the order is despatched.

We'll keep you informed of your order at every stage, and let you know if the release date changes.

If the price of the item drops before it's released, you will pay the lower price, but if it increases, you'll only pay the price you see today.

If you also include in-stock items on your order, they’ll be charged and shipped within 24 hours as usual.
est. release 21 Feb 25 $108.70
(No payment required now - pay when released)
Items 1 to 6 of 6 on page 1 of 1
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